I've been working really hard and spending a lot of borrowed money to dial in the sounds of my little project studio to something that may survive an uncertain future and uncomfortable pandemic-era interaction. It sounds like a lot to ask of a few nice microphones and acoustic treatment, and I suppose it is.
Despite the chaos of the world around us, I’ve been able to stay somewhat busy and gratefully sane thanks to the solace of this space, occasional creative sparks, and the trust of amazing artists.
Unfortunately, all of the big ideas I was shooting for in my last update have been cast aside thanks to a little nudge from reality—Kids! Family! Quarantines! Bills!—but thankfully there is still a block of music being chipped into some sort of art as I can find the time. In the meantime, I’ve been navigating the remote session workflow as best I can, as well as being lucky enough to host the occasional artist for an in-person (socially distanced, masked, open windowed, natch) session, like we used to do.
I’ve also been experimenting with a bit of a pivot to video, seeing as how “virtual” performances have made themselves comfortable on our metaphorical couches. Here’s a beautiful rendition of “Find the Shepherd” by my long-time friend Molly Maher and brand-new friend Nikki Lemire:
A crazy world needs art and music more than ever, I'm learning.